Funny Disney Memes Conspiracy Theory Meme


A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses ii or more people, a group, or an organization of having acquired or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an result or phenomenon of swell social, political, or economical impact. Despite existing for decades, the conspiracy theories have exploded in popularity since the invention of the internet, where said people could share their toughts on different things. One must non think of the conspiracy theorists as a one-minded congregation, since nigh people have unlike opinions and arguments on different events or subjects.


The Oxford English language Dictionary records the first apply of the phrase "conspiracy theory" to a 1909 commodity in The American Historical Review. Other sources predate this use by almost four decades to at least 1871, where information technology is used in The Periodical of Mental Science reporting on a conference of the 5th Quarterly Meeting of the Medico-Psychological Clan (at present the Royal Higher of Psychiatrists), held on Jan 27, 1870:

"The theory of Dr. Sankey as to the manner in which these injuries to the chest occurred in asylums deserved our careful attention. It was at to the lowest degree more plausible that the conspiracy theory of Mr. Charles Beade…"

Originally a neutral term, since the mid-1960s it has acquired a somewhat derogatory meaning, implying a paranoid trend to see the influence of some malign covert agency in events. The term is often used to automatically dismiss claims that the critic deems ridiculous, misconceived, paranoid, unfounded, outlandish, or irrational.

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The conspiracy theorist, also known equally "truth seekers" have been around for nearly 50 years, since the death of the president John F. Kennedy which, according to some eye witnesses, was carried out past multiple shooters because either: They heard gunshots from more than than one direction or, they think that one bullet couldn't cause that much damage or hitting as many targets equally information technology did (A theory called The Magic Bullet). A 2004 Play a trick on News poll found that 66% of Americans thought at that place had been a conspiracy while 74% idea in that location had been a cover-upwardly. As recently every bit 2009, some 76% of people polled for CBS News said they believed the President had been killed as the issue of a conspiracy.


ix/11 was an inside job
poster that says 9/11 was an inside job with the letter 11 shaped like the burning twin towers

Ane of the most prominent and biggest conspiracy theories, says that the September the 11th attacks weren't carried out by Terrorists, the government carried out an set on on the WTC to have an "excuse" to go to war with the Middle East. And the planes couldn't crusade that much impairment to a building similar the WTC and was actually destroyed via controlled thermite explosions.

image of barack obama with half his face photoshopped to have reptilian features such as scaly skin and yellow eyes

Created by ex-football histrion David Icke, this is the belief that most Politicians and celebrities are reptilian shapeshifters, disguised as human beings for diverse reasons, often while using well-timed photos of Television set screens where the disguise "fails" or exposes itself for a second.

symbol of the illuminati made of a square and a compass with the all seeing eye in the middle

The illuminati and freemasons were actual, real societies. The Illuminati (From "illuminatus" means:enlightened) was an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May i, 1776 to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to back up women's education and gender equality. The Illuminati, along with other undercover societies, were outlawed by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore, with the encouragement of the Roman Catholic Church, and permanently disbanded in 1785.

In subsequent use, "Illuminati" refers to diverse organizations claiming or purported to have unsubstantiated links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, and ofttimes declared to conspire to control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in authorities and corporations to establish a New World Gild and gain farther political power and influence.

Freemasonry is a congenial organisation that traces its origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of masons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry, its gradal organisation, retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Apprentice, journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Main Mason. These are the degrees offered by craft, or blue gild Freemasonry. There are additional degrees, which vary with locality and jurisdiction, and are now administered by different bodies than the craft degrees. In fact, as of right now, 14 Usa presidents were openly Freemasons.

Of the claims that Freemasonry exerts command over politics, perhaps the all-time-known example is the New World Order theory, just there are others. These mainly involve aspects and agencies of the The states government, only bodily events outside the Usa (such equally the Propaganda Due scandal in Italy) are often used to lend acceptance to claims.

Moon Landing/Structures on Moon
picture taken during the moon landing showing an astronaut next to an american flag

People question if the Moon landing event actually took place. They are basing this on what they perceive every bit some discrepancies in some of the photographs from among the thousands that were taken by the Apollo astronauts, and for various other assorted reasons. They believe that the Moon landings were mocked upward in a film studio and that the Apollo crews never left low world orbit. The most common belief is that it was faked because nosotros had to "beat" the Russians to the moon (and so actually went there at a afterwards fourth dimension)While others believe that nosotros have been to the Moon, and that we or others beings are building structures there. The Mars landing is also been said to be fake or have artifacts on it.

black an white image taken during the moon landing and lines drawn over it to prove that it was staged

black and white monochrome photography close up monochrome

A Syfy aqueduct documentary came out in 2014 almost the bailiwick and revealed all new pictures of the moon showing odd anomalies that have never before seen by the public. Also having interviews with a multitude of creditable sources.

Flat Earth
image of a flat earth floating in space

The Apartment Earth Club is well known, and widely assumed to be a grouping of people who lobby the idea that the Earth is non actually a globe. While this is described equally an ancient, pre-scientific conventionalities, it's increasingly common today. Some believe this for religious purposes and others for scientific reasons.

Ancient Aliens
ancient Egyptian wall art depicting an alien

This is the belief that Aliens were here long before man and are really the reason why we are hither. Also explaining many of the globe oldest structures that are thought to have been incommunicable to build at the time. Since its debut in 2009, the History Channel (now H2) serial Ancient Aliens has become a cultural phenomenon. With each episode promising to reveal the truth about hidden conflicting influence in ancient history. This has spun off many memes and became very popular on it release.

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